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Ensuring the security of your sensitive business data can be extremely challenging, but it’s necessary. That’s because it not only includes the financial information but also the sensitive and personal information of your customers. For this reason, there is a need for constant attention. However, it’s not possible and cost-effective for every business to have a full-time IT security system that oversees the cybersecurity features.

Ranging from small businesses to mid-sized businesses, there is a need for proper security and intelligence to ensure their data is safe. On the other hand, large enterprises might need a customized approach to optimize their security standards and manage the security risks with utmost competitiveness. That’s the reason we are here to offer our vCISO services.

With this service, we will assign a virtual chief information security officer, who is a professional, to help you upscale the security of your systems. Our team will work routinely with your business to offer the in-depth cybersecurity support that you expect from an in-house security executive. That’s because we are serious about the services we offer, and we promise more efficiency and affordability.

By choosing us for the vCISO services, you will get day-to-day cyber security support as well as counseling from a dedicated professional. In addition to this, you will receive long-term security strategy, programming, vision, and policy designing services to ensure your security approaches are implemented to perfection. In fact, our team will be there always, even after implementing the security policies.

Convenient User Experience

When you come to us, we wish nothing but convenience for you. For this reason, Cambridge Cloudworks promises a convenient user experience. Our team will work in unison with your team to fully transform the security profile of your business without compromising on your convenience. In addition, we promise cost efficiency because we understand the value for money for our clients.

We have created a highly cost-efficient support model, promising money-saving. Our professionals will always work as an extension of your team, so you don’t have to worry about disruptive change in your business processes. When you choose us, we will also connect you with the security consultant, who will collaborate with you to help you gain a competitive advantage.

Team Knowledge

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we believe in leveraging our years of experience as well as team efforts to achieve the cybersecurity goals for your business. We take pride in having a professional cybersecurity team that helps us create a unified security approach to ensure your business data, sensitive customer details, and data center are protected from potential threats.

We utilize the combined team knowledge to deliver the best security systems. In addition to using industry expertise, we will also offer executive-scale strategizing to ensure there are no errors in the system. We will plan the security systems in detail to cover every aspect of your system, and this plan will be shared with you for information provision.

Our team will conduct regular risk assessment tests to look for potential threats and create a remediation plan. The utilization of team knowledge helps us increase the chances of scalability of your business. That’s because we will assess the security systems and provide you with technical support executives and compliance experts who understand your business’s security needs.

Every business in the modern era has to operate through a cloud because it helps maximize uptime. For this reason, they are connected to servers. These servers ensure that your business is always up and running. However, handling these servers can be challenging and complicated for businesses because they don’t have the technical expertise.

In case you are in the same boat and don’t know how to handle your business server, Cambridge Cloudworks is offering the best server support services. When you come to us, we will begin the process by understanding the current needs of your server by running a quick yet in-depth analysis. Once we have the data, we will create a server support plan that supports your business.

Server Setup

To begin with, we are offering server setup services to ensure that your server is always running with the latest features. We will conduct the updates on a regular basis to ensure there are no system errors. In addition, the server setup will help us secure your business from threats, such as data breaches and unauthorized access.

Server Monitoring

Business continuity is essential to running a profitable and successful business, which is why we are offering server monitoring services; we are helping clients get the much-needed support they need to keep their business operational all the time. For this reason, we are offering comprehensive IT support that not only identifies the problems at an early stage but also troubleshoots them. In addition, server maintenance is an essential part of our services.

Network & Firewall Protection

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we are offering full-range services to our clients, which is why we have added firewall and network protection to our services. With this service, our team will ensure that your business network and data are secure from viruses and malware. In addition, we ensure a serious lookout for other threats by leveraging our advanced knowledge.

To make sure that we can comply with the unique security needs of our clients, we will use the best practices as well as firewall technologies to make sure your systems are fully secure.

Multi-Cloud Readiness

We understand that every business has different needs when it comes down to servers, and they are connected to different servers. That being said, you don’t have to worry about multi-cloud readiness as we are offering cloud support services for different types of cloud-based servers. In addition, our services are always tailored to your business, leading to higher uptime.

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we understand that remote access to your business servers has become the ultimate requirement for businesses. For this reason, we will help you establish a secure Virtual Private Network that makes sure your systems are fully secure. In addition, we will ensure seamless management of the authorized devices.

Cambridge Cloudworks takes pride in being a leading cybersecurity company. We are offering secure and effective services that empower other businesses to thrive, irrespective of security threats. So, if you are ready for 24/7 server support, give us a call.

Modern businesses are using multiple IT and network frameworks to make sure their business processes are running smoothly and there are no performance errors when it comes down to operations. Our network support services have become essential for every business because it’s the ultimate way of helping you save energy, time, and money.

That’s because when you utilize the networks properly, it can help improve your productivity by 10x. On the other hand, network issues can result in system breakdowns and frustration. That’s the reason Cambridge Cloudworks is offering network support services. For this reason, we have hired expert technicians who provide the reliable services you need to ensure smooth system operations.

Higher Connectivity

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we promise higher connectivity. That’s because networks enable businesses to communicate and connect with each other across borders and distances. As a result, it will help you achieve better collaboration results and information sharing, leading to improved decision-making.

Better Security

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we ensure that your network is optimized to offer advanced security. Our security features include intrusion identification and prevention systems, firewalls, and antivirus software. This will help maximize protection against cyber threats.

Improved Efficiency

Businesses opt for networks because they help them in the allocation and sharing of resources. Ranging from storage devices to printers and scanners, we will ensure that all your resources are operating all the time. This will help improve the efficiency and reduce business costs.

More Flexibility

The business network empowers the businesses to access the data and resources from different sources. For this reason, we make sure that our network support services help you access and collect data from smartphones, desktop computers, laptops, and tablets.

Increased Performance

Our network support services are designed by experts to help businesses optimize their network performance. For this purpose, we ensure that your business devices are fully configured, and the network traffic is prioritized.


A well-configured network is one of the most profitable things a business can do. For this reason, we are offering network support services that will help you minimize costs by enabling collaboration of resources. In addition, we will help you streamline remote work.


Every business has to share multiple files throughout the day, and with our network support services, we will ensure that you don’t waste time sharing and transferring files. We will create secure connections and file-sharing systems so you can save time.

Ultimate Reliability

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we have incorporated network support services as a part of our cybersecurity services to help you monitor the network infrastructure. In addition, we help you maintain the network to improve reliability and minimize the risk of data corruption and loss.


In the past few years, the use of wireless access ports is increasing. That being said, our network support services will help you carry the Wi-Fi devices without worrying about physical connection. Also, we will ensure that you access the network from wherever you want, promising higher productivity.

Businesses these days are leveraging a combination of multiple software solutions to make sure their business processes are always optimized. For this reason, Cambridge Cloudworks is also offering software support services. These software solutions enable businesses to connect with internal and external stakeholders.

We provide ongoing software support and maintenance services. Our software support services are suitable for your basic as well as advanced needs because we have skilled technicians who have experience in maintaining your software baseline. We have the resources to support legacy systems, given the need to handle documentation and metrics.

Functional Integration

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we are helping businesses design, develop, and execute new functionalities through our software support services. In addition, we can integrate your software solutions with third-party apps to help you expand the features and functionality. For this reason, we have hired architects who will offer an in-depth integration framework.

Ongoing Support

At Cambridge Cloudworks, we understand that implementing software solutions isn’t enough. For this reason, we are offering ongoing software support as well as maintenance services. This includes servicing the fixes and bugs. In addition, our team will help with troubleshooting software issues while offering ongoing advice and guidance.

Software Upgrades

If you have already deployed suitable software solutions, but they aren’t helping you with productivity or relevant benefits, it’s time for software upgrades. For this reason, we will conduct a software audit to provide you with the recommendations and ideas that will help you gain maximum benefit from your software solutions.

Software Audit

While we are always available for software support services, our team specializes in software audits as well. That’s because we do IT audits for the software developed by companies other than us. During audits, we use multiple evaluation techniques, such as validating, measuring, workshops, and questioning, to ensure every aspect of software solutions is covered.